Tue. Feb 11th, 2025

Hiring a Lawyer in Thailand can be difficult. The laws and legal procedures in Thailand differ from your home country, and what might seem legal back home could be illegal in Thailand and vice-versa. The legal system in Thailand is not that different from all other countries – but one should be aware of the specific and possible differences. It is also helpful if you have some basic knowledge on how the Thai legal system works for you, in this way you will be able to have an informed discussion with the lawyer of your choice. Speak to a lawyer in Bangkok for assistance.

Hiring a Lawyer in ThailandHiring a Lawyer in Thailand

There is a variation with the roles of lawyers in your home country compared to the roles, responsibilities and qualifications of lawyers in Thailand. That is why it is recommended that you undergo an intense vetting process with lawyers in Thailand for you to be confident that they are fit to handle your case.

Reaching out to a lawyer in Thailand is limited as well to office hours, there are no law firms that offer 24-hour hotline to clients for cases, especially criminal cases and you need to wait things out to be able to reach some legal advice. Most embassies as well do not have contact numbers to criminal lawyers. You might find yourself under extreme pressure when you get arrested. Most lawyers advice their clients not to sign anything until they get there. Property purchase assistance in Thailand is the most common legal issues.

The performance of lawyers is dependent on how much knowledge you have on your case. If you had enough preparation, then it would be more efficient to work with skilful lawyers. To enhance your lawyer’s performance, discuss with your lawyer the details of your case and everything you know, just be honest and avoid withholding any information. Always consider an expatriate law firm in Thailand when you consider hiring a lawyer in Thailand.

Most law firms in Thailand advertise their resumes online, and reading these resumes in advance may help you decide which lawyer to pick at that law firm. If the lawyer handling your case has at least five years of experience on the field that you require assistance, then it could be an advantage on your side. Also, it is always a good thing to email the specific lawyer in Thailand that you wish to talk to. Using the contact information listed on their website will assist you in directing to the specific lawyer which you feel best fit your case. It is also more convenient to describe the details of your case by email prior to talking to them on the phone. Always do you homework when hiring a lawyer in Thailand.